Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Everything You Ever Forgot About Memory Narcolepsy

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Memory Narcolepsy. It has a soothing ring to it, doesn't it? The name was coined by my Bestest Friend who, like me, struggled with the really stuffy names that the medical community kept coming up with to describe this, and allied, conditions.

Now, whilst I am, indeed, the first person ever to be diagnosed with Memory Narcolepsy, it's such a friendly little disease that I'm willing to make the definition as broad as possible so that others can share in its use. Please though, really, provide a link back to here so that we can see how its usage spreads.

So, what is Memory Narcolepsy? Quite simply, it's a condition where one's memory nods off to sleep every now and again. It can't be a hard definition, because, with Memory Narcolepsy forgetting things is easy.

Now, let's be clear here, Memory Narcolepsy is not an excuse to forget how to convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade (subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9), and no amount of medical appeals will save your hide if you forget the date of your wedding anniversary.

Memory Narcolepsy is, however, a reasonable answer for when you truly knew something but, for some odd reason, your left-most outer brain cell went to sleep just as you were accessing that information.

A stuffy doctor, might say that:
Memory Narcolepsy is a deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain.

Or, they might say:
Memory Narcolepsy is a disease marked by the loss of cognitive ability, and associated with the development of abnormal tissues and protein deposits in the cerebral cortex.
Now come on, those definitions are really as user-friendly as a cornered rat, and you still don't know what's going on, do you? Hence, in this "it's not my fault" society, we need something that we sufferers can be proud of and wear like a badge.

Welcome? To Memory Narcolepsy.


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