Monday, October 17, 2005

Welcome? To Memory Narcolepsy

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Memory Narcolepsy? So what's this all about, what does it mean, who has it, how is it diagnosed and how is it treated and just who are these people anyway?

These words are here to entertain, educate but, amongst all, document my journey, the good days, the bad days, and my love for life and my friends.

In all possibility, at some point, I'll lose myself to this insidious disease. What I absolutely refuse to do, though, is allow all that I've known to be lost forever.

To my friends and loved ones. I am told there will come a time when I no longer recognise you nor react to your presence. No matter what comes to pass, rest assured that I'll never really forget you and, that deep inside me, you'll always be remembered and loved more than you can ever know.


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